Why do JAP publications follow open access policy?

To accelerate the impact of the potential research findings, JAP uses an open science business model to provide immediate, worldwide, barrier-free open access of the articles published to all readers to download, read, distribute without subscription and registration.

How long does it take to publish an article from the time of submission?

JAP takes every effort to ensure that manuscripts are reviewed efficiently and to a high quality. Ideally, the duration from the time of submission to publishing the article ranges from 30 – 45 days. But the exact length of time may vary as they depend on many factors, such as, the review report of the manuscript by peers and how quickly the authors respond and re-submit their revised article with all modifications required, according to the reviewers report.

Is there any page limit for writing manuscript?

There is no page limit for regular or special issue manuscripts but there is a three page limit for editorials.

Are there any extra charges for color images and number of pages in the manuscript?

There are no specific charges for color images and number of pages. But if the authors request for reprints, there would be a nominal charge based on the number of reprints and the country of delivery.

Why does JAP impose Article Processing Charges for publishing?

JAP neither collects any subscription charges from its users nor receives funding from any sources. JAP follows the open access publishing model to allow the scientific community around the world to have a free access to the literature without any barriers. To make this happen and to offset operational and technical expenses—including those for online hosting, developing and maintenance of electronic tools, devices and systems for peer review management and journal production, archiving and securing inclusion in indexing databases—the article publication costs are paid from the author’s research budget, or by their funding institution or supporting organization in the form of Article processing charge (APC). Other types of funding sources could be from the corporate sponsors. For authors who do not have adequate funds for research would be supported by the JAP fee support programs majorly sponsored by corporate and other private funding sources. For more information, visit APC page.

How much the article processing charges are for JAP journals?

The articles processing charges varies depending on the country of the author’s institution, and are classified based on the recent World Bank list of economies based on countries Gross national income (GNI) per capita. For more information, visit APC page.

Will JAP articles be indexed and where?

All articles published by Journal of Addiction Science are peer-reviewed and will be indexed in AGRICOLA – National Agricultural Library, USDA, SHERPA/RoMEO, Genamics, J-Gate, Index Copernicus, Scilit and Google Scholar

What is your impact factor?

JAP ensures all efforts to follow the necessary guidelines to receive an Impact Factor. Ideally, to receive an Impact Factor, Thomson Reuters Scientific considers journals having at least two years of consistent and efficient standard publishing history. When Impact Factor becomes available for a specific journal it is clearly indicated in the journal web home page.

What is the possibility to make a press release of the novel research findings?

If an article has been accepted for publication and if the editor believes that it is potentially remarkable, the editorial office will contact the author seeking permission to press release the newsworthy research finding. For that a summary of the research focusing on the novel findings and why they are important need to be drafted.

For queries or more information, please contact editorial office.