Rajendra Badgaiyan
Chairperson, Department of Psychiatry, MetroHealth System MetroHealth Dr. Cleveland, OH, USA
E-mail: badgaiyan(at)gmail.com
Kenneth Blum
Department of Psychiatry, Western University College of Medicine, Pomona, CA, USA
E-mail: drd2gene(at)aol.com
Editorial Board Members |
Mark S. Gold | University of Florida, USA E-mail: drmarkgold(at)gmail.com |
Opiate Action; Dependence; Opiate Drugs; Cocaine
Igor Elman | Harvard Medical School, USA
E-mail: ielman(at)challiance.org |
Cocaine; Opioid; Behavioral Addiction; Gambling Disorder; Comorbidity
Panayotis K. Thanos | Research Institute on Addictions at University at Buffalo,USA
E-mail: Pthanos(at)ria.buffalo.edu |
Alcohol; Dopamine D2; Obesity; Cocaine; Cannabis; Neuroimaging
David Baron | Keck School of Medicine of USC, USA
E-mail: Pthanos(at)ria.buffalo.edu |
Global MH Public Literacy; Exercise; Psychiatry; Neuropsych aspects of Repetitive mTBI